Gloria Lartey, Class of 2025

My name is Gloria Lartey. I am in my sophomore year pursuing a degree in Business Information Technology. Before enrolling at Palm University College, I was very shy and my self-esteem was very low. I was the first to hide behind everyone regardless of my intellectual abilities. 

I remember when I was approached by the Career Counselor to consider applying to become a peer mentor, my immediate reaction was “No” because I felt I had nothing to offer the freshmen.


I later decided to apply to give back as a peer mentor and indeed it has been a great experience serving the freshman class. As I interacted with my mentees regularly, I noticed significant growth in confidence, leadership, team participation, and my ability to communicate effectively.  As a result of my discovery of this new version of myself, I was able to take that bold step to teach Mathematics at the Doryumu Pentecost International School (a primary school in a neighboring community) for my community Service in my quest to give back to the community. My ability to speak publicly has improved significantly.

Through my experiences at Palm, I have become a confident young woman today. I am positive that at the end of my four-year journey at Palm University College, I will be a first-choice candidate for employers in various industries because of the hard and soft skills I have acquired.